Sound - research task


What are the conventions of music in film openings in the following genres?

  • Comedy:

 Sound is important in comedy films, both diegetic and non diegetic sounds are both important. Diegetic sounds like dialogue needs to be clear so that it can be heard and laughed at. Non diegetic sounds such as edited sound can be used to place emphasis on certain scenes.
  • Horror:

Audio is key when editing horror films because it helps build suspense. Exaggerated diegetic sound will allow tension to be created in the film. Fast and loud non diegetic sound can add to making the audience jump or feel scared. It creates intensity.
  • Action:

The music in action films is usually very loud. It is often upbeat to match the on screen action and editing pace. It plays a vital role in helping to exaggerate the on-screen action to the audience which creates a more thrilling experience. Sound effects occur greatly in the majority of action films as they help shock and make the on screen action more life like to the audience.
  • Drama:

Music in drama films can be technical and symbolic. Is technical because needs audio techniques to create the right ambient and tone to match with the actor's emotion and film's action becoming a symbol of this genre, like classic, sharp raw sound, dramatic music.
  • Romance:

The music used in romance films tends to build the atmosphere with the audience and the music is most often soft pop music. Soft, classical music is generally used when the characters actually meet or fall in love. If a break-up occurs then the music tends to start out soft but increases in dynamics to emphasise their breakup and build anxiety among the audience.

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