Examples of an Opening Scene


Bridge to Terribithia 2 minute opening scene:

The beginning of this feature film introduces a hint of the plot within the first two minutes. The first thing we see is a man leaving in his car in the morning and then his son sat in his room looking out the window waiting for him to leave before going for a run. This suggests that there is tension between the father and son because the son waited for him to leave before going out, perhaps to avoid him. We also are introduced to who we assume is the main character, the son and also a key character who is the dad. We assume that these are two of the main characters because they are the only two introduced in the first two minutes of the film. We also learn from the opening sequence that the boy enjoys running and has a passion for drawing and creativity. A large part of this film is based on imagination and we are able to learn this through the first two minutes when we see his drawings come to life. We are also introduced to the setting of the film, we see the main character's house and the area which they live in which is surrounded by woods, there is also a scene where there is a location which is inspired by his drawings which then come to life.

The opening scene of this feature film does not contain any dialogue. This is because the film is very strongly based on imagination so dialogue is not really needed in the first two minutes because it gives them a chance to show the creativity. Instead of dialogue there was the replacement of music. The music that was chosen was light and soft which suits the film. The credits appear is a creative way, they fade in and fade out whilst almost dancing. This works well with the film because it went with the idea of imagination and the music in the background.

The Notebook 2 minute opening scene:

The beginning of the notebook is very peaceful. The piano music in the background is very delicate and it makes you slow down and think. There is no dialogue in this opening scene either, again this could be because when there is dialogue it is almost less meaningful and it can be more powerful  without dialogue. Not much actually happens in the opening two minutes, just a young man in a canoe going down a river, and an older woman in a care home. These two characters who appear in the two minute opening which leads us to believe that these two are the main characters. There is one other character who appears at the end of the two minutes, she appears to be the old woman's carer. Not much of the plot is introduced, however we are able to assume the potentially the woman is not well because she has a carer and its possible she's imagining the man in the canoe on the river. There are only two locations introduced in the opening scene, the long river which the man is canoeing down and the big house which is where the older woman is. The credits of this feature float in and out softly which could be a metaphor for her memory because she drifts in and out of her memory.

Bridget Jones's Diary 2 minute opening scene:

In the 2 minute opening scene of Bridget Jones's Diary we are only introduced to one character who we assume is Bridget because that's the title of the film and she is the main character. There is a significant hint of the plot within these two minutes as she is singing to 'all by myself' which gives us the suggestion that she is struggling with her love life. Also she is by herself in the scene and it looks like it could be quite late as she is in her pyjamas and drinking wine and getting drunk by herself. She looks like a bit of a mess and we can see that she is crying towards the end which makes us assume that her life too is a bit of a mess. There is no dialogue within the scene other than the sound of the music all by myself. There is two sets of music in this scene too, it starts with a song that has no lyrics and the as it progresses and we see the state that Bridget is in it changes to All by Myself. The credits fade in and out slowly which looks kind of depressing which is how it wants us to feel, we are meant to feel sympathy for her. There is only one location in this scene too, which looks like her living room which makes us think she spends a lot of time there.

AS student made 2 minute opening scenes:

Revenge 2 minute opening scene:

This 2 minute opening done by an AS student introduces the beginning of the plot, it tries to make us want to watch more. It shows us scenes of a party where they take drugs and get drunk and then it shows us the next day them waking up on park benches with blood on their hands. Then the last scene is of a dead body. We are meant to believe that the two teenagers have murdered this person and that maybe he is going to some how get his revenge. The characters which we are introduced to are the two who were at the party and supposedly killed this person and the dead person. There are lots of other characters in the party scene which takes up the majority of the clip but we assume that these three are the main characters.
There is no dialogue in the clip at all which is maybe meant to build up suspense because it makes it more dramatic. There is party music playing for the whole party scene and then when it goes to the park then the music disappears which makes it more dramatic because its gone from loud party music to silence which makes it look more serious. The locations in the 2 minute opening sequence are the place where the party takes place and then the park in which they wake up with blood on their hands the next day. The credits come in from either side of the screen.

Carnage 2 minute opening scene:

Carnage introduces the beginning of the plot in the first 2 minutes. We see feet running around a woods with supposedly a man chasing what turns out to be a girl. He is carrying a gun and the camera just flips between them both in the woods and at the end they come together and due to the sound effects we assume he shoots her. It is a very simple 2 minutes but it makes us want to know more; Why is she running from him? What's she done? What are his reasons for shooting her? These two characters are the only two introduced in the first 2 minutes so we assume that these are the main characters. There is only one location which is used which is the woods, this is a pretty good location because its stereotypical for scary things to happen in woods. However it is almost too stereotypical that it becomes predictable. There is no dialogue involved which makes it more intense. Also the background sound makes it seem eerie and quite scary. The credits come on a black screen and they are white and looks almost scratchy, they also shake which goes with the genre which is horror.

Exiled 2 minute opening scene:

In the opening two minutes of exiled we see four character whom we assume are the main characters. They are sat down in the grass by a bush and they are laughing together and look like they might be cooking, they then get up with their weapons and start walking. They are all barefoot and in old fashioned clothing and look almost hobbit like. They begin walking down a large hill and then there is a small bit of dialogue where they talk about how much further they have to go. They background music is slow and almost mystical which goes with the fact that there is a dragon who appears in a couple of scenes. There is only one location which we see which are these big hills which they look like they are intending to walk over. It makes us want to watch more because we want to know more about what's happening like why they are there, and where they are going. The credits mostly come on before the film starts but continue for the majority of the 2 minutes as well. They come on slowly which makes us think that there is no real rush as to what they are doing which makes us ask even more questions and want to watch more.

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