Camera shots - research task


What are the different types of camera shots and angles?

extreme long shot = contains a large amount of landscape, often used at the beginning of a scene to establish general location, also known as an establishing shot.
long shot = contains landscape but gives the viewer a more specific idea of setting and may show the viewers the building where the action will take place.
full shot = contains a complete view of the characters, viewers can take in the costumes of characters and may also help to demonstrate the relationships between characters.
mid shot = contains the characters or a character from the waist up. From this shot, viewers can see the characters' faces more clearly as well as their interaction with other characters. This is also known as a social shot
close-up = contains just one character's face, enables viewers to understand the actor's emotions and also allows them to feel empathy for the character, also known as a personal shot.
extreme close-up = contains one part of a character's face or other object, is quite common in horror films, creates an intense mood and provides interaction between the audience and the viewer.

Why use a selection of shots and angles? How does this aid the storytelling?

Using a selection of shots and angles helps to combine a sequence of images in a more interesting way. The story seems more alive and it is easier to show every aspect to interact with the viewer

Examples of 3 film openings where a specific camera shot/ angle has been used to excellent effect:

Extrem long shot

0:24 - 1:04 long shot 
1:04 - 1:06 close-up 
1:07 - 1:49 extreme long shot

Extreme long shot

What effect does shorter shot lengths have?

Like in the opening scene of Submarine, the sequence where he looks in the camera in the end, a shorter shot length creates more movement and makes the sequence more interesting. The viewer has to keep up with the different angles and insights so they pay more attention.

What effect does longer shot lengths have?

Submarine shows a great example for both of the shot lengths. In the opening scene most of the shots have a longer duration which makes it just as interesting as using a shorter duration. It is not as active and especially as an opening scene it is a great start without to much movement which would require the viewer's full attention.


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