Final Idea - research task


The final idea which we have come up with for our AS media coursework is the genre of horror. We will have 3 main characters in the opening two minutes; a journalist (Evie), the homeowner (Mike), and the homeowner’s nephew (Herbie). We are going to have a journalist come to look round a very large house called Voewood. The journalist is going to arrive and walk up the driveway and look up at a window and see someone looking out and quickly shutting the curtain. She will knock on the door and Herbie will open the door quickly followed by Mike. She will go in and ask lots of questions about the house and its old purposes and the story behind it. She will find out that it used to be used as a school and it got closed down because a young boy died there in an accident. She will then be shown around the house and in a couple of different rooms and as she walks out of one of the bedrooms a rocking horse will start rocking without being touched. Towards the end of the two minutes the journalist will be shown towards the door to leave but a locked room next to her will catch her attention and she will try to open it. Mike will quickly stop her and explains that no one is allowed in there. The very last scene of our 2 minute opening sequence will show what is inside the locked room. Inside there is framed photographs along the walls of young children who have perhaps been involved with.

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