Costume Ideas - Mise en scene


The Costume which we have been given is a suit. This is easily achievable for us as Herbie already owns a suit which he can wear for the filming. We've decided that Herbies mum should wear casual clothes that a mother would typically wear on an average day out with her son.

There was a slight issue with the suit that Herbie was supposed to wear as we hadn't realised that he had outgrown it. However we were able to compensate buy him wearing his school trousers, a shirt and Evie's school blazer and some posh shoes. Evie's blazer was slightly too big for him but we thought that this suited the film opening as it looks like he maybe wants to be older than he really is and this is shown by him wearing an oversized jacket. His mum just wore one of her average outfits that she would normally wear.

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