Genre - research task



In a horror movie I would expect to see frightening scenes that make the a I think the target audience of horror films would be older teens and 20-30 year olds. It would be hard for younger people to watch horror films because they may be frightened. People above the age of 30 may find horror films too immature and unnecessary. 


A sci-fi films normally involve abnormal human characters with some sort of power or magical ability. 


I would look for a comedy film to make me laugh and be enjoyable. I think its very important that a comedy film remains interesting and comical the whole way through, rather than just having short bursts of quality engagement with the viewer. Comedy films can appeal to all ages as long as the content is appropriate, Of course there are comedy films which are aimed mainly at small children and others are aimed at an older audience. The target audience is flexible for comedy films. 


Romantic films need to draw on the heart strings of the audience, I think that a common mistake that occurs in the making of romantic films is they are too cheesy. This makes the film cringey and uncomfortable to watch. The target audience for romantic films appeal to almost everyone above their teenage years because romance has affected everyone and they can therefor relate to films with this as a focus. 


An action film should include thrilling scenes that make the viewers heart rate increase. A thrilling action film is normally more successful because its engaging and gripping. Crime: Crime films often exaggerate the crimes that happen everyday across the world. Emphasis is often added to the more comical or serious aspects of the crime scene to maker the film more interesting for the audience.


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